Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Sorry for the short post, I've been sick all day. #GoSpursGo Big game 5 win!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thank You Adam Silver

Some day we will live in a world where racism and intolerance is not accepted. Today we took step closer to that world, with the sanctions placed on Donald Sterling for his controversial comments. I'm not going to repeat what many other media sources have already written so eloquently, but if you haven't heard news on this situation, I suggest you look it up. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

100 reasons not to go to the gym

  1. I'm sore
  2. I don't want to be sore
  3. I think I hurt my ______, I probably shouldn't go
  4. I was going to go but then _______ happened
  5. I slept in 
  6. My alarm didn't go off
  7. I was binge watching Walking Dead
  8. I was binge watching Lost 
  9. I ran out of time
  10. I need new shoes
  11. My shoes make my feet hurt
  12. I don't want to miss the game
  13. I went yesterday
  14. I'll start a routine on Monday
  15. I'll start a routine on Tuesday
  16. I'll start a routine on Wednesday
  17. ______ is my day off
  18. ______ asked me to go to lunch with him/her
  19. Lunch in general
  20. It's probably too busy now
  21. Laundry day
  22. I'll just do cardio
  23. Facebook
  24. Twitter
  25. Instagram
  26. Hulu Plus
  27. HBO Go
  28. WWE Network
  29. YouTube
  30. My friend is gonna let me borrow the P90 X videos soon
  31. I don't like working out in the morning
  32. I don't like working out in the afternoon
  33. I don't like working out at night
  34. I might fall on the treadmill and embarrass myself
  35. I might not be able to lift as much as the rest of the guys in the gym 
  36. I don't feel like it
  37. I'm not 'feelin' it today
  38. I'd rather smoke drugs
  39. I told my girlfriend I'd meet up with her
  40. I can't leave my dog
  41. My Instagram is down so how would I take selfies? 
  42. I have a ______ appointment 
  43. I am going to start watching Breaking Bad soon
  44. Did you go to the gym?
  45. "So and so," might be there
  46. I have a headache
  47. I have a stomachache 
  48. My dog has a headache
  49. My dog has a stomachache 
  50. There's no elliptical at the gym
  51. I have too much homework
  52. It's too hot
  53. It's too cold
  54. It's raining
  55. It's snowing
  56. It's hailing
  57. There's a hurricane outside (this may be an acceptable reason to stay home) 
  58. My Nike fuel band died and I don't want to not get those points
  59. I never know what to do
  60. I ran out of protein
  61. I don't even have protein
  62. I have to clean the house
  63. I don't have a workout buddy 
  64. There's an old-school Nickelodeon marathon on
  65. Barney Stinson never goes to the gym?
  66. I'm depressed
  67. The gym is boring
  68. I just don't have my playlist right
  69. There's no good workout music these days
  70. I don't have gas in my car
  71. I might fart when I squat because I had Taco Bell last night
  72. I have to go grocery shopping
  73. I ran out of shampoo so I couldn't shower afterwords
  74. I ran out of body wash so I couldn't shower afterwords
  75. I don't want to shower twice today
  76. I need to shave
  77. Food cravings
  78. I'd rather drink
  79. There's no wifi in the gym
  80. Your ex might be there
  81. Ok so yah they live in a different state now BUT WHAT IF?
  82. Your _____ is in town and you have to see them
  83. I have to keep working on that presentation for school/work
  84. I didn't get enough sleep
  85. I don't want to work out on an empty stomach
  86. I don't want to work out on a full stomach
  87. It's too far
  88. ______ won't pick me up to drive us there
  89. Diarrhea 
  90. I'm broke so I'm pissed and don't want to work out
  91. It's a recession out here - gym memberships? Nah...
  92. I did _____ so that's good enough
  93. I didn't have the second cookie, so that's something
  94. My mom called me (okay, that legitimately could keep you from the gym)
  95. It's hopeless
  96. I already listened to Tyga's mixtape so I can't
  97. They don't have that machine I like
  98. Sweat gives me acne 
  99. I'm too busy writing this blog post 
  100. I'll go tomorrow
Bonus Reasons: 
101. I'm hungover
102. I'm bulking up now
103. Donuts exist
104. Don't worry it's my New Year's resolution
105. It's summer!
106. It's winter
107. Yesterday was leg day

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Art of Going Downtown

There's two worlds we live in as a college student. There's the one where we study, hang out at the dorms, and drink discretely behind RA's backs (or in front of them in certain cases). We find ourselves frequently wearing sweats or hoodies just trying to stay awake through a three hour night class. We talk to our moms, ex bf/gf, and friends back home via Skype, text, or even sometimes by using the actual phone. This world is the nuts and bolts of the car. We need this world to keep us sane. For lack of a better term, we'll call this, the world of substantiality.

On the other side of the coin, there's a world we all live in that couldn't be further from what is described above. This is called the world of irrational reality. Gone are the sweats and hoodies and in are the designer jeans, flannels, and snapbacks. Modesty is out the window in the world of irrational reality. We drink to get drunk, we smoke to have fun (obviously not everyone, don't be so sensitive), and take more pictures in a six hour time frame then the whole week preceding the event.

This is not the time nor the place to go in to full detail about the two worlds we live in as college students. Rather it's the time to discuss a specific aspect I'm interested in right now. The topic of going out downtown. But first a little backstory:

Last night I was asked to go out with three friends (all girls - that's not weird right?) to a club or bars downtown. I'm not the biggest fan of the club scene for a few reasons but mostly because it's expensive and there's usually not enough girls around. It was raining and we had to wait outside in a large line for about an hour so that wasn't great. But overall I had a fairly good time. When I got home I was still hearing music in my ears, was deprived of a late hour food-run, and still somewhat drunk. I couldn't help but think, going downtown really is an art form. A lot of things have to go right for the night to be an ultimate success. Let's take a look:

What Must Go Right

  1. Everyone in attendance must drink minimum 2 shots before entering a vehicle (obviously excluding the driver - DO NOT drink and drive, that shit's not cute and it doesn't make you look badass)
  2. We must find at least decent parking
  3. The wait to enter a club must be longer then 15 minutes, but shorter then 45
  4. Everyone has to order at least one drink inside 
  5. The designated driver must maintain control of all passengers at all times 
  6. No one can cross that line and get too drunk
  7. Everyone gets home safe - stopping for burritos optional
That's what I believe must go right in order for everyone to have a good time. Now, with that said it's going to take a hell of a lot more to drag me out to a club. My minimum requirements to get me out to a club is like a checklist. I require that 7 out of 10 be mentally checked off before I fully commit to attending. For the record, number four and number six are non-negotiable.

TO's Checklist for Various Downtown Activities

  1. Again, everyone in attendance must drink minimum 2 shots before entering a vehicle
  2. Everyone in our 'party' must be single 
  3. A plan must be laid out before we leave
  4. We can't have anyone who has current or past relationship drama 
  5. Must be minimum 3 bros
  6. Everyone must want to go out equally
  7. Everyone must have at least 30 dollars they're willing to blow completely
  8. Strip clubs have to at the very least be considered (or at worst, joked about)
  9. It can't be raining
  10. Everyone must want to 'cut a rug
The best thing about making the jump from going out to bars and house parties to going downtown is that the potential results are endless. Friendships change when you go downtown together. You think you're cool with one of your classmates? Wait until you bump in to them downtown. It will be the biggest dap half-hug since, hell maybe ever.

One might say, (read the following in your head as if it's that annoying kid in your class who you just can't stand even through everyone else seems to swear by them and insist how cool they are) "so if going downtown is soooo fun, then why don't people go more often?"

That's a good question. There are many reasons people don't, and shouldn't for that matter, go downtown regularly. The best ones are because it is financially irresponsible, hangovers suck, and sometimes it's hard to top great weekends on a weekly basis. Despite this, I would encourage everyone to rally their friends and go downtown at least once every six weeks. It's good for your soul and it's nice to escape to the irrational reality world, where anything is possible.

Before I leave you here today, I'd like to share with you some insight I've learned over the years. These are some warning signs that you must be weary of or else you're gonna have a bad time.

Potential Warning Signs

  1. Never ever go downtown with the thought that you'll be able to sneak your 20 year old friend with the September birthday in - it's never worked, it never will
  2. If a bro is checking his phone more then three times per half-hour, something is wrong
  3. If you don't play YG in the car on the way downtown, you're not maximizing the potential fun you could be having
  4. Going with girls who are just friends is ok, but keep low expectations - they always find a way ruin your time
    • No girl ever stays in one place downtown longer then 2 minutes and 53 seconds (unless it's the bathroom)
    • No girl that's your friend will let you grind on her
    • And again, no girl that's your friend will ever let you grind on her (we all know it pops in to our head guys) 
  5. Don't bring the friend who gets too drunk, you'll just end up cleaning up throw up, even if you swear you won't
  6. Don't call out the guy who false claims hookup conquests or the amount he's drank, his time will come 
Well, that's about all I can handle for now. These are just a few quick notes from my book that's coming out next summer titled The Art of Going Out. It will be in a Barnes and Noble near you for merely $12.99.

Okay, you busted me...I was totally lying about the book.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


That's a photo collage of a shit ton of stuff that I like. Just thought it was worth including in any introductory piece about me. 

I turned 22 seven days ago. I'm not 100% sure how that actually makes me feel. 

Tomorrow roughly 85% of my friends from my freshman year are going to graduate college. I am not. At first thought, it's easy to feel sorry for myself.

The majority of my friends are on to bigger and better things in their life, where as I'm heading straight for another minimum wage summer job and another semester of college. 

Ever since I was a kid I've always stressed things much more then I should have. A while back my friend Andrew and I decided that 2014 would be our year. We're off to a decent start but we definitely can do better. 

We're just out here grinding trying to capture this vibe

This is simply a welcome to my blog. There isn't much else to say. The goal is to write once a day, every day for the entire summer. Some posts will be short like this, some posts will be longer. There will be no restriction on the content I may or may not post. It just depends on the day. 

Before I forget - I also run a sports website called

To quote a once great athlete: 

"Get your popcorn ready" - Terrell Owens