Saturday, May 10, 2014

Timber Ft. Ke$ha

Words can't even describe how much I hate this song. 

When I hear it, I can't help but feel like I'd rather hear nails on a chalkboard in Beats studio headphones for 7 straight minutes. 

It's not even a matter of the 'wonderful artists' who sing it. I actually like Ke$ha and Pitbull. No really. 

The NBA has made the 'wonderful' decision to make this the theme song for all NBA commercials throughout the entire playoffs. Being a Spurs fan, there's a strong chance my team will be around for a while, thus forcing me to listen to this song non-stop for the next four weeks. 

This isn't the first song that I've felt this way about. Here's some more: 

Most anything YG
Happy Birthday 

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